
serial number Project/topic name Issued unit time project nature
1 Integrated demonstration and transformation model of advanced treatment and safe utilization of heavy metal wastewater MOST 2016 National Key RESEARCH and development Program
2 Coupling integration and demonstration of multi-pollutant control in flue gas of heavy metal smelting process National Atmospheric Special Project 2017 National Key RESEARCH and development Program
3 Polymer composite gel adsorbent for heavy metal removal MIIT 2014 2015 Strong foundation project for industrial transformation and upgrading
4 S series biological agents for the treatment of heavy metal wastewater Ministry of Science and Technology 2011 Technology Innovation Fund for small and medium-sized technology-based Enterprises
5 Key technology of thallium pollution control in key non-ferrous smelting enterprises in Xiangjiang River Basin Science and Technology Department of Hunan Province 2015 Key science and technology r&d program of Hunan Province
6 Technology and equipment for deep purification and resource recovery of high salt wastewater Science and Technology Department of Hunan Province 2018 Key RESEARCH and development program of Hunan Province
7 Study on pharmaceutical industrialization for the treatment of heavy metal wastewater containing arsenic Science and Technology Department of Hunan Province 2010 Science and technology Plan of Hunan Science and Technology Department
8 Key technologies and demonstration for the in-depth treatment of key water pollution sources under the "One Lake, Four Rivers" strategy Science and Technology Department of Hunan Province 2017 Changsha-zhuzhou-xiangtan National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone special Project (Key Project of Hunan Province)
9 Key technology and application of industrialization of preparation of biological agents and treatment of heavy metal wastewater Science and Technology Department of Hunan Province 2011 Hunan Province strategic emerging industry scientific and technological breakthroughs and major scientific and technological achievements transformation project
10 Industrialization of complete set of advanced purification equipment for high concentration acidic heavy metal wastewater Science and Technology Department of Hunan Province 2013 Major national science and technology projects to transform achievements
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