

Comprehensive solution for prevention and control of heavy metal pollution

The product is mainly aimed at the treatment needs of heavy metal sewage acid, wastewater and waste residue produced by relatively large non-ferrous metal mining, dressing and smelting enterprises, as well as the treatment and repair needs of local governments to solve the historical heavy metal pollution sites. To provide customers with technical solutions, design, management equipment processing manufacturing, engineering construction, system integration, installation, commissioning and after-sales maintenance of the whole process or a number of stages of service. The comprehensive solution of heavy metal pollution prevention and control provided by the company is widely used in the resource treatment of heavy metal polluted acid, the in-depth treatment and reuse of heavy metal wastewater, the disposal of arsenic-containing hazardous waste, the environmental remediation of heavy metal pollution and other fields. Details are as follows:


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  • 0731-88271113
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